The storyline in Dragon Age Inquisition focus on a cataclysmic event: a tear in the Fade causes a massive explosion that kills scores of delegates during a peace talk between Templars and Mages. I mention this small spoiler as it literally happens the moment you hit the start button, before ...
Dragon Age: Inquisition Dragon Age: The Veilguard DLC Dragon Age: Origins (DLC) Dragon Age II (DLC) Dragon Age: Inquisition (DLC) Novels Dragon Age: The Stolen Throne Dragon Age: The Calling Dragon Age: Asunder Dragon Age: The Masked Empire Dragon Age: Last Flight Dragon...
|appearances = [[Dragon Age: Inquisition]] - [[Jaws of Hakkon]] }}</onlyinclude> The '''Frostback Basin''' is a unique region near the southwestern border of [[Ferelden]]. Multiple terrain types can be found across ''The Basin'' as it lies near the base of the [[Frostback Mounta...