Characters in Dragon Age Inquisition may engage in romantic relationships with companions, advisors, and other characters they encounter in the world. IGN wants to know just which of Dragon Age's eight romances appealed to you the most. Answer the poll, then check below for guides to romancing...
Dragon Age: Inquisition: Regia di Mike Laidlaw, Sam McGlynn, Pierre Michel-Estival. Con Harry Hadden-Paton, Alix Wilton Regan, Jon Curry, Sumalee Montano. When the Conclave is destroyed, leaving only one survivor, demons are loosed up on the world. In an
I was hoping this game would continue to raise the already high bar set by BG3. It hasn't. It's worse than Andromeda. It doesn't deserve to have the Dragon Age name, and I'm genuinely sad that this is what the series has come to. ...
The storyline in Dragon Age Inquisition focus on a cataclysmic event: a tear in the Fade causes a massive explosion that kills scores of delegates during a peace talk between Templars and Mages. I mention this small spoiler as it literally happens the moment you hit the start button, before ...
1 Dragon Age: Origins 1.1 Leliana's remarks 1.2 Leliana and Alistair 1.3 Leliana and Morrigan 1.4 Leliana and Sten 1.5 Leliana and Zevran 1.6 Leliana and Oghren 1.7 Leliana and Shale 1.8 Leliana and Wynne 1.9 Leliana and Dog 2 Dragon Age: Inquisition 2.1 Leliana's conversation with her me...
Dragon Age: Inquisition is a game that lives up to the precedent set by the first game in the series, and more than compensates for the gripes many had with the second. It straddles the line between an open-world adventure-RPG, a Baldur's Gate-styled CRPG and a visual novel to ...
Factions of Dragon Age Inquisition Circle of Magi, Imperial Chantry, Grey Wardens, Red Templars, Rebel Mages, Qunari, Surface Dwarves, Carta, Venatori, Avvars, Sentinel Elves, Dalish Elves, Friends of Red Jenny, Seekers of Truth, Order of Fiery Promise,
Blackwall es uno de esos pocos guardianes que eligen coger el escudo por voluntad propia. Cree en el noble ideal de los guardas grises con tanta vehemencia que prefiere esta vida a cualquier otra.
Blackwall ist einer der wenigen Wächter, die sich aus freien Stücken entschieden haben, den Schild zu tragen. Er glaubt derart vorbehaltlos an das hehre Ideal der Grauen Wächter, dass er dieses Leben jedem anderen vorziehen würde. ...
グレイ・ウォーデンは常に孤独な監視を続け、苦難の生活に耐え、世界を救うため、決して倒せない悪との戦いに身を捧げる。 志願する者は少ない。苦難、孤立、そして確実に訪れる暴力的な死。 しかし、ウォーデンの道には栄光もある。自身を大義のために捧げた者は、自身が今まで以上の何かに...