The definitive guide to dragons in your DnD 5e games, rules for dragon companions, dragon combat and ancient draconic rune magic from the Dragonbond universe. Pre-Order 發起人: Draco Studios 有3,199 名支持者認繳了$ 311,758,幫助此專案變為現實。
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( action ) if buff.ice_floes.up then local ability = class.abilities[ action ] if ability and ability.cast > 0 and ability.cast < 10 then removeStack( "ice_floes" ) end end end ) spec:RegisterHook( "advance", function ( time ) if Hekili.ActiveDebug then Hekili:Debug( "\n*...
To bring it back around again to the topic, sort of, what do you think of the different ways Dragonmarks have been done in each edition? 4e had rituals and skill bonuses, 3.5 and 5e have spells, 4e and 5e have just the one Mark, with 5e’s mark growing as you gain power. Somehow...
ir’Korran asserted that sphinxes are living embodiments of the Draconic Prophecy. Their oracular abilities are tied to the fact that they are manifestationsofthe Prophecy and innately know the paths of the future. They are bound to their duties and found in portentous locations because they are... .. "]|r" any_dnd_set = true end if state:IsKnown( "clawing_shadows" ) then class.abilities.wound_spender = class.abilities.clawing_shadows cooldown.wound_spender = cooldown.clawing_shadows else class.abilities.wound_spender = class.abilities...
First, there’s a simple logic to the decision.Lycanthropes possess amazing abilities. They can transfer these gifts to others, quite easily. So if there’s no downside to being a lycanthrope,why aren’t we all lycanthropes?Why isn’t this gift embraced and shared? If one member of a ...
Your abilities have a 50% chance to affect the target a second time at 40% effectiveness as Shadow damage or healing. Spinning Crane Kick refunds 1 Chi when striking enemies with your Bonedust Brew active. crane_vortex = { 80667, 388848, 2 }, -- Spinning Crane Kick damage increased by ...
(this was just afterSavage Specieshad been released) allowing a PC changeling to hone those doppelganger abilities. The racial skill bonuses of a changeling – Insight, Intimidation, and Bluff – are based on the idea that all changelings have some innate, instinctive telepathy, even if it’s...