针对您遇到的错误 "draggable element must have an item slot",这通常是因为在使用Vue.js的vuedraggable组件时,可拖动的元素没有正确地设置或定义item插槽(slot)。以下是一些解决此问题的步骤和要点: 1. 理解错误信息 错误信息 "draggable element must have an item slot" 明确指出,您的可拖动元素缺少必需的item...
</draggable> 2、在JSX中使用拖拽插件 遇到了一个问题 报错 Error: draggable element must have an item slot 主要是item插槽的写法需要注意 写法如下: const slots ={ item: ({element, index})=>{return {{element.name}} } } render(h) { return<draggable v-model="myArray" item-key="id" v-sl...
Error: draggable element must have an item slot at computeNodes(draggable在vue3中的使用) vue2中与vue3中的使用方法有所不同,简单截图如下 在使用中还有个不同点就是key值的绑定 有所区别 分别是“:key”和“item-key” 不然控制台就会给出警告如下:...
moved: contains information of an element moved within the array newIndex: the current index of the moved element oldIndex: the old index of the moved element element: the moved element Slots Limitation: neither header or footer slot works in conjunction with transition-group. ...
Github link https://github.com/djkloop/vuedraggable-issuse-error.git Step by step scenario # Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'element' of null Actual Solution # Dragging is normal for the first time, and an error will be reporte...
InSortablejsofficialVuecomponents in the past, the drag-and-drop list is implemented by using the component as a direct child element of the list. When we use some component libraries, if there is no slot for the root element of the list in the component library , it is difficult for us...
element: the removed element moved: contains information of an element moved within the array newIndex: the current index of the moved element oldIndex: the old index of the moved element element: the moved element Slots Limitation: neither header or footer slot works in conjunction with transitio...
When we use some component libraries, if there is no slot for the root element of the list in the component library , it is difficult for us to implement a drag list, vue-draggable-plus perfectly solves this problem, it allows you to use a drag list on any element, we can use the ...
28In`Sortablejs`official`Vue`components in the past, the drag-and-drop list is implemented by using the component as a direct child element of the list. When we use some component libraries, if there is no slot for the root element of the list in the component library , it is difficult...
我这里遇到了 vue.draggable 没有transition效果 拖拽不正常的情况: 其实不用配置,draggable默认就带有拖拽效果,如果拖拽不正常的情况下,可以看下是不是拓展元素没有height, 我这出现没有效果的问题就是因为拖拽元素中的子元素全部浮动了,导致外部拖拽div没