Build unlimited apps from amazing features Meet the very first Application Builder made with More Custom Features like a True Developer .. Drag and Drop Content Builder With Mobimatic SImple Drag and Drop and WYSIWYG Builder, Putting up your App Contents can only be limited by your Imagination....
Easy to use drag drop app builder to create internal tools for mobile and web. Pre-built UI components, templates and ready connectors. Start for free.
在Android开发中,拖放(Drag and Drop)功能是一种强大的用户交互方式,能够显著提升应用的用户体验。而DragShadowBuilder则是实现这一功能的核心类之一,它负责定义拖动过程中拖影(Drag Shadow)的外观。同时,理解Android应用的生命周期对于开发稳定、高效的应用同样至关重要。本文将结合这两点,探讨如何在应用的生命周期内有效...
Create beautiful mobile applications quickly and easily with no upfront costs. With the power of our innovative drag and drop mobile application creator with powerful features such as ride-sharing, job boards, and social media networks, the web is now yo
so long to deploy fixed code within a live server or app store, it only makes sense to use a tool like low code to speed up the process of each iteration. Thanks to drag-and-drop mobile app builder, you can build a full-feature mobile application and deploy it within days to weeks....
import android.widget.Toast; publicclass MainActivityextends Activity { /** *为ImageView创建一个字符标签 */ privatestaticfinal String IMAGEVIEW_TAG ="icon bitmap"; /** * 创建用于拖动的ImageView */ private ImageView imageView; /** * 拖动事件监听 ...
公司最近有个平板项目需要做一个拖拽item到指定位置播放视频的效果,由于想偷懒,加上项目特殊性只需要兼容特定几个型号的设备于是决定直接使用Drag and dropAPI。 这个API提供view的拖拽操作,而且支持通过拖拽事件传递数据,最重要的是按照官方文档的说法,它能够在开启了Multi-Window mode的情况下在两个app之间传递拖拽事件...
import android.view.View.OnDragListener; import android.view.View.OnLongClickListener; import android.widget.ImageView; import android.widget.TextView; import android.widget.Toast; public class MainActivity extends Activity { /** *为ImageView创建一个字符标签 ...
如果锤子是用标准的 Drag And Drop api 的话,大家不用等到春季开源,现在就可以开工了,整个实现无需 root 无需专用系统,简单方便,还免费外带支持分屏拖拽数据。 如果锤子是 300 个昼夜自起炉灶,所谓开源最后只能锤子手机独享,那我也不知道应该怎么评价了。。。 祝读者玩 Android 玩的愉快。
Build dynamic experiences for every touchpoint with a drag and drop app builder. Ingest and act on unified data, and enhance with AI-prompted workflows.