Thank you for your interest in DraftSight. Get started by downloading and selecting “Free 30-day trial” during installation. Learn more about thefeaturesavailable to you in DraftSight Premium so you can get the most out of your trial, including full 3D capabilities, 2D constraints, and more ...
行业领先的协作和项目管理解决方案现在与行业领先的 2D CAD 设计解决方案 DraftSight 实现结合。迈出优化工程图操作的第一步! 我们的团队随时准备帮助您快速入门,并支持您开展每一步工作!
Industry-leading, collaborative CAD software from the makers of SOLIDWORKS Download Your Free Trial DraftSight 2D CAD Design and Drafting Software What is DraftSight? Industry-leading, collaborative CAD software from the makers of SOLIDWORKS DraftSight is productivity tools and an API to create, edit,...
DraftSight 是3DS公司(达索系统集团)的一套2D制图软件。 DraftSight——专门处理DWG文件的免费CAD软件,DraftSight允许专业CAD用户、学生、教师来创建、编辑和预览DWG文件,DraftSight可以运行在Windows,Mac和Linux平台上。 有三个版本:免费版(Free)、专业版(Professional)和企业版(Enterprise)。 3. 下载、安装及配置 3.1 ...
Industry-leading, collaborative CAD software from the makers of SOLIDWORKS Download Your Free Trial DraftSight 2D CAD Design and Drafting Software What is DraftSight? Industry-leading, collaborative CAD software from the makers of SOLIDWORKS DraftSight is productivity tools and an API to create, edit,...
Looking for free CAD software online? Explore the features and benefits of DraftSight with our 30 day free trial to see how we can help you improve your productivity.
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DraftSight for Mac is a CAD application that was designed for CAD users. It gives them the ability to view, manage, and create drawings in DXF and DWG format. Users are given a professional environment to manipulate these drawings to their liking. Novices and experts will both find DraftSight...
DraftSight..以前用32位ubuntu时安装free CAD DraftSight很顺利,现在用64位,ubuntu软件中心提示无法安装。但free CAD DraftSight DEB包只有i386的。如何安装在
Thank you for choosing DraftSight Download DraftSight and enter your purchased serial number for DraftSight Standard, Professional, or Premium, choose your network licensing option for DraftSight Enterprise or Enterprise Plus, or choose “Free Trial” to start your free 30-day trial of DraftSight Premi...