DraftSight is a fully-functioned 2D CAD tool for engineers in any discipline. Whether you're doing facility layouts, electrical schematics, or need a 2D CAD tool, DraftSight provides an intuitive solution to fit your needs at a price you can afford. ...
您可以通过 eDrawings Viewer 查看 eDrawings 文件和其它类型的文件。您可以在 eDrawings Viewer 中操纵模型,就像模型在您的手中一样。共享eDrawings 文件要共享 eDrawings 文件,您可以通过电子邮件发送:eDrawings 文件。安装有 eDrawings Viewer 的收件人可以打开附加的 eDrawings 文件。 Zip 文件。 HTML 文件。 可...
The eDrawings command starts the eDrawings® application which gives you the power to create, view, and share 3D models and 2D drawings.Creating eDrawings FilesWith eDrawings and various CAD software programs, you can create the following types of eDrawings files:...
DraftSight是一个免费的CAD软件,可以用来查看、编辑、创建DWG、dxf、dwt文件,并且带有中文界面,所以可以用来替代需要收费的autoCAD,保存的时候还可以把图纸输出成png、bmp、jpg、pdf等格式的图档。对于经常需要查看dwg文档的人,DraftSight也是一个非常不错的免费查看器,从而可以避免盗版的问题。 2020-3-29更新 DraftSight...
DraftSight™ is an easy-to-use, professional-grade 2D CAD product that generally takes a few minutes to download and runs on Windows®. Fill out the form to download DraftSight Premium software and try FREE for 30 days. DraftSight Premium Trial Version Designed for individuals, designers, ma...
浏览此软件的文章页面: DraftSight 2020 SP0 | 免费CAD软件(替代autoCAD)
The eDrawings command starts the eDrawings® application which gives you the power to create, view, and share 3D models and 2D drawings.Creating eDrawings FilesWith eDrawings and various CAD software programs, you can create the following types of eDrawings files:...
The eDrawings command starts the eDrawings® application which gives you the power to create, view, and share 3D models and 2D drawings.Creating eDrawings FilesWith eDrawings and various CAD software programs, you can create the following types of eDrawings files:...