Professional-grade 2D CAD software that can be used to create, edit, view, and markup any kind of 2D drawing or DWG file.
功能丰富的2D和3D CAD 解决方案,适用于建筑师、工程师、设计师、业余爱好者等 选择适合您的DraftSight解决方案 专业版 299美元/年 创建、查看和编辑 DWG、DXF 和 DGN 文件 为每个人提供功能强大且经济实惠的 2D 绘图 整套编辑、设计和自动化工具(包括Autolisp) ...
Professional-grade 2D CAD software that can be used to create, edit, view, and markup any kind of 2D drawing or DWG file.
Professional-grade 2D CAD software that can be used to create, edit, view, and markup any kind of 2D drawing or DWG file.
Professional-grade 2D CAD software that can be used to create, edit, view, and markup any kind of 2D drawing or DWG file.
Home>Software>DraftSight DraftSight Enterprise Make an Enquiry DraftSight is a professional-grade, open 2D CAD product for users who want a better way to create, edit and view DWG files. Whether you’re a professional CAD user, student or educator, DraftSight has a support option that’s ...
您可以以经济高效的价格购得功能强大的 2D 和 3D CAD 软件。根据 DraftSight 白金版的评论,主要优势如下。 DraftSight 白金版 包含满足制图、建模、原型制作、制造、激光切割和 3D 打印需求的所有工具。轻松管理 DWG、DXF 和 DGN 文件,导入 PDF 并在 2D 制图和 3D 建模环境之间切换。
了解DraftSight 专业版为何是适合您业务的首选 2D CAD 软件。 高级2D 设计 轻松满足您的 2D 设计需求。绘制几何图形、确保准确性、修改实体、创建图层、注解、标注尺寸、生成块等。 工作效率工具 获取强大的工作效率工具,包括对动态图块、PowerTrim、DrawCompare 和自动图层分配的支持。
CAD for architects can help you solve business problems, increase efficiency and create more accurate drawings. Discover the best CAD program for architects.
All that flexibility and efficiency adds up to plenty of enterprise CAD software savings. In fact, many enterprises realize they can save tens of thousands of dollars with software that allows for network licensing – and that doesn’t even include the benefits to your bottom line that come wit...