此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库:https://github.com/facebook/draft-js main 分支(142) 标签(28) 管理 管理 main gh-pages dependabot/npm_and_yarn/examples/draft-0-10-0/playground/tar-4.4.15 dependabot/npm_and_yarn/tar-4.4.15 ...
[Firefox](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/alrra/browser-logos/master/src/firefox/firefox_32x32.png). [2] IME inputs have kno...
Which versions of Draft.js, and which browser / OS are affected by this issue? Did this work in previous versions of Draft.js? MacOS Monterey 12.0.1, Google Chrome 103.0.5
不能直接安装一个插件就同步吗? 其实是可以的。有一个浏览器插件叫Bookmark UniSync 就可以,在插件市场就能搜到,注册一个账号就能同步书签到Chrome或者edge,无视平台限制!不关你事Mac还是Windows都可以![赞同] 请问有没有软件可以实现各浏览器浏览器书签同步和更新?最好就是类似dropbox那样的...
2. Workday 操作系统要求使用 Firefox 或 Chrome 作为浏览器。 如操作过程遇到IT 方面的问题,请提交e-desk 并 公司IT部门解决。 3. 员工创建费用报告之前务必检查 “费用报告对象”、“公司”、“工作标记” 等费用报告信息是否正确。如信息有误,须通知HR 修正后方可创建。 4. 按照公司政策,差旅费用报告必须...
3. Exposed plumbing must be chrome-plated. 裸露的水管必须表面镀铬。 4. Water closets must be vitreous china, wall mounted, low flow, with elongated bowls and a touchless flush valve. 马桶必须采用釉面陶瓷、墙装式、节水型、带加长马桶座和感应式冲水阀。 5. Not applicable to this Brand 不适用...
Draft.js is a JavaScript rich text editor framework, built for React and backed by an immutable model. -Extensible and Customizable:We provide the building blocks to enable the creation of a broad variety of rich text composition experiences, from ...
I am creating a TeX editor using a decorator. When I add an equation before another one, the new equation take the value from the second one : React.App.-.Google.Chrome.2022-09-01.20-25-34.mp4 I think the problem come from the state insi...
Puts the editor into fullscreen mode. A callback will be fired after the entering fullscreen animation completes. Some browsers will be nearly instant while others, mainly Chrome, take 750ms before this event is fired. If already in fullscreen, the callback will fire immediately. ...