推荐答案 integrated direct repeat (DR)-GFP reporter assay综合直接重复(DR)-绿色荧光蛋白报告基因检测 00分享举报为您推荐您可能感兴趣的内容广告 传奇散人版 www.999f.com 传奇散人版 找服网 传奇散人版新服网站,传奇散人版好服网站,传奇散人版新区网站 今日年传奇散人版新服网站,人气火爆的传奇散人版好服...
3.AliquotequalamountofreporterandexpressionplasmidDNA. 1.5uGsDR-GFPreporter* 1.5uGsexpressionplasmid* *thiswillgiveyou5%background(DRalone)andSceconversionrates~ 25%,whichwillvarydependingonyourexpressionplasmidpromoter. NotethatIhaveobservedslightlydifferentbackgroundratesbetweenthe ...
Stanley and colleagues generated human embryonic stem cell (hESC) reporter lines in which sequences encoding GFP were inserted into the FOXN1 locus, enabling the isolation of viable thymic progenitors from in vitro differentiation cultures. These reporter lines were used to identify integrin-β4, HL...
(2): 386-388) 参考文献 Bottin A., Larche L., Villalba F., Gaulin E., Esquerré-TugayéM.T., and Rickauer M., 1999, Green fluorescent protein (GFP) as gene expression reporter and vital marker for studying de- velopment and microbe plant interaction in the tobacco pathogen Phytohpht...