Dr. Wong Ka Yee, Maria - General Practitioner in Happy Valley. Check out doctor/clinic profile and Book now!
黃以謙醫生(Dr. WONG YEE HIM) - 香港醫生目錄網提供黃以謙醫生及診所的資料,如醫生專業資格、診所地址、診所電話、診症時間等。黃以謙醫生(Dr. WONG YEE HIM)診所位於香港油麻地區,請即按此查詢或電話預約黃以謙醫生。
Delivering the MBA selective “Leveraging e-Business and e-Commerce” course for AGSM – Australian Graduate School of Management (Sydney University and New South Wales University) in Hong Kong. Writing and delivering “The Advanced Diploma Course in Total Quality Management for Insurance Services” a...
在冻卵与试管婴儿的世界里,Dr. Wong Wai Yee以其专业知识为我们揭示了许多关键信息。冻卵并非一蹴而就的决定,尤其对于胚胎植入前遗传学筛查(PGS)的使用,它在高龄孕妇、习惯性流产者和精子质量欠佳的夫妇中扮演着重要角色,旨在降低流产风险。然而,PGS并非强制,它可能存在一定的准确性挑战,如镶嵌现...
醫生姓名︰黃詠儀 醫生 Dr. Wong Wing Yee, Clara 性別︰女 專業資格︰香港中文大學內外全科醫學士; 英國愛丁堡皇家外科醫學院院士; 英國愛丁堡皇家外科醫學院骨科院士; 香港骨科醫學院院士; 香港醫學專科學院院士(骨科) 註冊專科︰骨科專科 地址︰ 九龍尖沙咀河内道5號普基商業中心5樓 香港中文大學醫務中心 ...
K. Wong, Winnie W. Y. Sin, Kin-Wing Choi, Rity Y. K. Wong, Elaine L. Y. Lee, Apple C.M. Yeung, Karry L. K. Ngai, Martin C.W. Chan, Raymond Lai, Alex W. Yu, David S.C. Hui Tumoral calcinosis: a case report. Yuen Yee Leung, Raymond Lai Possible Role of Aerosol ...
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Dr Wong, Wing Yee Clara is a Clinical Professional Consultant in the Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She graduated in CUHK Medicine in 1999, obtained her specialised accreditation on Orthopaedics and was honoured the Gold Medal Award in 2007. She...
冻卵小魔仙的原创文章发出后,后台收到粉丝私信,也有人提出了很多跟冻卵、试管婴儿等相关的问题。拿着这些问题,我请教了妇产科专科医生黄慧仪医生Dr. Wong Wai Yee. 黄慧仪医生现就职于香港宝德医务所,平时在尖沙咀办公室办公和问诊。关于黄慧仪医生的简介,请参考文章: ...