醫生姓名︰ 王泰鴻醫生 Dr. Wong Tai Hung, John 性別︰ 男 專業資格︰ 澳洲蒙納殊大學內外全科醫學士 1995, 英國皇家內科醫學院院士 2000, 香港內科醫學院院士, 香港醫學專科學院院士(內科) 註冊專科︰ 心臟科 地址︰ 九龍黃大仙聖母醫院 診症時間︰ 沒有提供 辦公室電話︰ 2354 2248 辦公室傳真︰ 2354 ...
To Wai Hung 西醫杜偉雄 in 深水埗 Sham Shui Po? The nearest bus stops to Dr. To Wai Hung 西醫杜偉雄 in 深水埗 Sham Shui Po are 營盤街, 近學基浸信會 Camp Street, Near Heritage Baptist Church and 東京街近元州街 Tonkin Street Near Un Chau Street. The closest one is a 2...
Codelivery of doxorubicin and paclitaxel by cross-linked multilamellar liposome enables synergistic antitumor activity. Mol Pharm. 2014 May 05; 11(5):1651-61. Liu Y, Fang J, Kim YJ, Wong MK,Wang P. PMID: 24673622. View in:PubMed Enhancing gene delivery of adeno-associated viruses by cell...
Shop No.205, Chuk Yuen Plaza, 15 Chuk Yuen Road, Wong Tai Sin, Kowloon Update Practice Info ShareWong Tai SinAvailable Doctors Yeung Man Kin Dentistry Search by Specialty General Practitioner Obstetrician & Gynecologist - Ob-Gyn Dermatologist & Venereologist Dentist Otorhinolaryngologist - ENT Docto...
Dr WONG Tai Choi Richard E:ritcwong@eduhk.hk T: 2948 6564 O: D2-1/F-21 Lecturer II Academic Profile BSc, MPhil, PhD (CUHK), PGDE (HKU) Research Interests Ecology Entomology Phycology Marine Toxicology Local History and Heritage Environmental Conservation and Monitoring ...
大埔(富蝶邨) Tai Po (Fu Tip Estate) - 大埔 (廣福道) (循環線) Tai Po (Kwong Fuk Road) (Circular) 806A 黃泥頭 Wong Nai Tau - 運頭塘 Wan Tau Tong 806B 石門Shek Mun - 運頭塘 Wan Tau Tong 806C 香港科學園 Hong Kong Science Park - 運頭塘 Wan Tau Tong 307P ...
07 August 2015: Leung Mike Yiu Yan, Ho King Lun, Chu Chun Hung. 2015/16 KE Impact Project Funding: KE-IP-2015/16-26: Empowering a non-governmental non-profit organization to deliver primary oral care to citizens in Tai Po, Wong Tai Sin and Kwai Hing (HK$85,000). ...
Robison, Gerarda Cappuccio, Michele Pinelli, Adriano Magli, Zeynep Coban Akdemir, Joannie Hui, Wai Lan Yeung, Bibiana K Y Wong, Lucia Ortega, Mir Reza Bekheirnia, Tatjana Bierhals, Maja Hempel, Jessika Johannsen, René Santer, Dilek Aktas, Mehmet Alikasifoglu, Sevcan Tug Bozdogan, Hatip ...
In response to Dr. Stadler and Dr. Peters.ChenCancerYi-WeiCancerWongCancerTai-TongCancerChangCancerKai-PingCancerYenCancerSang-HueCancerInternational Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics
Dr Lawrence T Wong FHKIoD (Member since 入會日期: 12 / 7 / 2002) Honorary Court Member, The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology; Council Member, The Hong Kong Management Association; Director, Dragon Foundation Limited. 香港科技大學顧問委員會榮譽委員;香港管理專業協會理事會...