Serum D levels (25(OH)D) should ideally be at least 50 ng/ml. Vitamin D receptors are also located in the sensory receptors of the nervous system, linking Vitamin D deficiency to cases of unidentified pain. Research has found higher incidence of vitamin D deficiency in patients with pain,...
Inositol was previously known as vitamin B8, as it used to be thought of as an essential nutrient, but it was later learned that myo-inositol is actually made within our bodies, so it lost its “official” vitamin designation. However, just because we can make it internally, does not ...
Suppresses the grown of cancer due to the very high content of vitamin C and elegiac acid, an immune system boosting combination. Is thought that açai phytochemicals can stop the process of carcinogenesis on a molecular level, killing off tumorous cells before they multiply. Açaí is not a...
The gamma form of vitamin E is critical to heart health. Since almost all vitamin E supplements are the synthetic d-alpha-tocopheral, there is no gamma in the supplements. Therefore, when research on vitamin E and heart health was conducted using d-alpha-tocopherol, it was doomed to failur...
Now diagnosed with SIBO, and have been under treatment with the Functional Dr.’s of the Ultra Wellness Center in MA. Prior to working with them, I had been with another Functional Dr. here in Boston (where we now live), and done a course of the Xifaxin, and Flagyl about a year ...
Dr. Schwartz diagnosed a hormone imbalance. The treatment schedule consisted of stopping the BCP, start a low dose 30 mg NP thyroid in the morning. In addition, the doctor prescribed adrenal support pills and low-dose iron pills with vitamin C. The doctor also addressed lifestyle and self-aw...