若需明确身份,可在“Dr.”后补充领域说明,例如“Dr. Liu, Professor of Biology”(生物学教授刘博士)或“Dr. Chen, Cardiologist”(心脏科医生陈博士)。 避免头衔重复使用 当某人同时拥有“教授”和“博士”头衔时,通常优先使用“Prof.”(Professor)而非“Dr.”,例如“Prof. Zhao”而非“D...
Dr. John P. Cheatham is a Pediatric Cardiologist in Columbus, OH. Find Dr. Cheatham's phone number, address, insurance information, hospital affiliations and more.
Unlock your body's potential with Gundry MD's revolutionary health solutions. Discover the power of plant-based nutrition and transform your life today.
文化差异:部分英语国家允许非医学博士使用“dr.”头衔,如英国法律博士(LLD)持有者也可称为“Dr.”。 例如某大学教授名片显示“Dr. Emily Brown”,其办公室门牌若同时标注“Department of Physics”,则可判定为物理学博士;若出现在诊所广告中标注“Dr. Brown, Cardiologist”,则明确为心脏...
Dr. Michael A. Teitell is a Pathologist in Los Angeles, CA. Find Dr. Teitell's phone number, address, insurance information, hospital affiliations and more.
Dr. Mohammed Sadiq Azam MD(Med), DNB (Cardiology) is a young and dynamic award winning cardiologist in the twin cities. Click to know more!
1 2 3 Larnaca Cardiovascular Wellness Center Dr. Michaelides Andreas MD Consultant Cardiologist Book Appointment Welcome to our Center Dr. Andreas Michaelides has extensive experience in all aspects of adult cardiology. He has a keen interest in cardiac risk assessment and screening, and offers an ex...
Dr Fabrizio Cecaro, MD F.R.C.P. Ph.D. Cardiologist, Heart failure, regenerative medicine, cardiomyopathies, Imperial College, University, Ferrara, Bologna, Italy, UK
Prevent and reverse disease with plant-based anti-aging nutrition and integrative medicine. Get familiar with Holistic Cardiologist Joel Kahn M.D.
Dr. John Day, MD, FACC, FHRS Who is Dr. John Day? Dr. John Day is a cardiologist in Salt Lake City, Utah specializing in the treatment of atrial fibrillation (US News & World Report Review of Dr. John Day’s medical practice). He received his medical degree from John Hopkins and ...