2011 "Trust Me, I'm an Artist: Mutate or Die" ethics panel, Trust Me I�m an Artist: Towards an Ethics of Art/Science Collaboration� is led by artist Anna Dumitriu in collaboration with Professor Bobbie Farsides (Chair of Ethics, Brighton and Sussex Medical School) in ...
a psychological profiling of the classic superhero. This book, written by forensic psychology professor Travis Langley, a well-known expert on the psychology of superheroes, demonstrates how a psychological profile can be built for anyone real or fictional.”–ForensicPsychology...
此外,他还领导了首次使用全基因组数据进行SLE遗传风险评分的研究。Morris博士不仅在学术研究中取得了突出成果,还曾指导过多名博士研究生,并参与了多个由医学研究委员会(MRC)和关节炎研究英国(Arthritis Research UK)资助的大型项目。Morris博士...
Chartered Psychologist and Associate Professor of Contemplative Psychology In the last week I’ve provided comments on vivid dreams during lockdown in TV & print media in 6 countries, including extensive coverage today in this Net Doctor article (republished on Yahoo Life) ...
King–Author, Author Coach, Speaker & Professor (Ret.). https://www.transformationed.com/ Interested in technology and adult learning? Check out Dr. King’s newest book from Wiley: http://bit.ly/King2017 Streaming and Rebroadcasts We are proud to be hosted by ACB Community, streamed ...
In memory of Dr. Saeed Ul Hassan, Associate Professor (SL) at Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU) UKUL Hassan, SaeedNATIONAL Institute of Informatics (Japan)ARTIFICIAL intelligencedoi:10.1111/bjet.13300Aljohani, Naif R.British Journal of Educational Technology...
I can provide value from your data, through analyses ranging from simple statistics to advanced machine learning models. I am experienced in a wide range of data visualisation techniques Python I am an expert Python programmer, and am particularly experienced with the scientific Python stack, includi...
Dr Pascal Vrticka (PhD, FHEA) Associate Professor* in Psychology (* Senior Lecturer) Welcome and thank you very much for your interest in Dr Pascal Vrticka's work.Please feel free to explore the remaining sections of this website dedicated to Dr Vrticka'
depths of compassion without a single word. The connection between these two actors and these two characters is better than the vapid connections the studio thinks will bring in audience, i.e. pre-professor X drunken college days, his awkward “ack put that blueness away” relationship with ...
I am an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at the University of Nottingham. My research is on optics, photonics and medical imaging. I develop new types of optical endoscopes that improve detection of diseases such as cancer. Prior to this, I was a ...