数字X线机可以分为两种类型:CR(Computed Radiography)和DR(Digital Radiography)。CR是指计算机辅助放射学,它使用一种称为影像板的介质来捕捉X射线图像。影像板是一种类似于胶片的介质,它可以记录X射线通过人体组织时的能量变化。影像板需要通过一台扫描仪来读取图像,并将其转换为数字格式。DR是指数...
professional who owns and/or is looking to buy a new digital X-Ray system for your facility, or someone who is simply interested to learn more about the latest imaging technologies, you must have heard about digital imaging systems like Computed Radiography (CR) and Digital Radiography (DR)....
Computed Radiography (CR) and Digital Radiography (DR): Which Should You Choose?Rick Colbeth
CR对骨结构,关节软骨及软组织的显示明显优于传统的X片成像;易于显示纵膈结构,如血管和气管;对肺结节性病变的检出率高于传统X线成像;在观察肠管积气、气腹和结石等含钙病变优于传统X线图像;用于胃肠双对比造影在显示胃小区,微小病变和肠粘膜皱襞上,CR(数字胃肠)优于传统X线图像。DR(Digital Radiography), 数字化X ...
radiography. The convergent evolution of form and function of these devices has led many to conclude that distinctions between CR and DR serve no useful purpose. Although categorization of CR as part of the umbrella of DR is tempting and contributes to a broader ...
CR(x线) 和DR 和X线诊断同CT一样也是通过X线来完成图像的。 不同的是,CR和DR 比普通的X线机器 在图像的获取上共先进,CR 是IP板,DR 更高级,是通过PACS 来完成的。 DR:Digital Radiography,数字化放射学。是指将传统的X光影像转换为数字影像的技术,可以提高影像的质量、减少辐射剂量、提高工作效率。
(DR)two kinds of imaging methods in chest radiography,in order to assist the practical work.Methods CR1000 cases of chest imaging and DR1000 cases are extracted.The patients between with CR and DR are comparatively analyzed by using a range of applications,photographic methods,X ray dose,...
DXR 140 - 75P Digital X-Ray Detector Brochure EN English Download DXR 140 - 75P Digital X-Ray Detector Brochure FR DXR 140 - 75P Digital X-Ray Detector Brochure FR French Download You might also like Related Categories Computed / Digital Radiography (CR/DR) Cont...
数字X射线摄影类型 DF :digital fluorography: 数字荧光X摄影 CR:computed radiography 计算机X射线摄影 DR :dirtect radiography 直接数字化X射线摄影 透视X射线摄影 荧光透视(fluoroscopy )是利用X线的荧光作用,将被 检病人位在荧光屏(或影像增强器)和X线管之间,X线 穿过人体之后在荧光屏上形成影像...
摘要 DR是数字化X线摄影(digital radiography),它通过平板探测器(flat panel detector,FPD)接受穿过人体的X线信号,再将这些信号转化成数字信号,送给图像处理[1].数字平板探测器是一种精密和贵重的... 关键词平板探测器 / PHILIPS / DR / 数字化X线摄影 / 校正 / 数字...