在线看Dr Vladimir Zelenko ( 23/12/2021 ) 43分钟 10秒。2021 12月 24的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 368 — 已浏览。 25 — 已评价。
在bing国际版里用hydroxychloroquine和Dr Vladimir zelenko(该药治新冠的早期倡导者)作关键词确实能找到几篇报道羟氯喹口服或雾化吸入对早期新冠预防和轻中症降低死亡率有效的文章,比如ISEREAL365news这个网站,正提起点兴致,突然看该网站同一篇文章结尾说到新冠病毒是武汉病毒漏所出来的,瞬间觉得整篇文章没啥信服力了 //...
在线看Dr Vladimir Zelenko - It's the vaccinated people.. 20秒。18 2月 2022的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册! 258 — 已浏览。 12 — 已评价。
Dr. Vladimir Zelenko's 669 COVID-19 patients that were treated with a combination of hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, and zinc have seen zero hospitalizations, complications, or deaths. Rating: Unproven About this rating Snopes is still fighting an “infodemic” of rumors and misinformation surr...