Anwar Ullah, Helal Uddin Ahmed, Mohammod Golam Rabbani, Khondaker A. Mamun, ”Autism Express - A cloud based framework for autism screening, confirmation and intervention”, IEEE TENCON 2016, Singapore, 22 - 25 November 2016. 14. Sharmistha Bardhan, G. M. Monjur Morshed Mridha, Eshtiak...
Late Dr. Muhammad FasihuddinAnwar, Mumtaz A.Pakistan Library & Information Science Journal
I. Supardi, Fida Rachmadiarti, Eko Hariyono, Arif Sholahuddin, Binar K. Prahani Science education essentially involves students in a systematic scientific investigation. SPS can be developed in science-based learning so that students can use it as a basic skill to master science. 100 students ...