The title, for those of you rusty with your English history, refers to King Henry II (the lion was his crest) being in the “winter” of his life. At this point in history King Henry II had a kingdom that stretched into France and was in need of choosing his heir. Eleanor of Aqui...
Marks the beginning of electrical power use in the Kingdom of Science. Formally called Faraday's disk generator. 25 Bamboo Filament A baked piece of bamboo fiber used as a light bulb filament. Based off of Thomas Edison's bamboo filament lightbulbs.[3] 25 Candle...
Thomas that a monastic vow is equal to Baptism. This is blasphemy [against God]. XV. Of Human Traditions. The declaration of the Papists that human traditions serve for the remission of sins, or merit salvation, is [altogether] unchristian and condemned, as Christ says Matt. 15, 9: ...
at King’s College London. He holds a Doctorate from King’s College London, which is on procedural minimum standards under the international rule of law and Article 6(1) ECHR in investment disputes. Previously, Simon has been a recipient of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation (Studien...
Thomas Jefferson on Politics and Government Retrieved 8-17-10Declaration of Independence Online Retrieved 9-21-10Dispatch Eleven:U. S.
Francois Villon translating — the 15th century French ‘Vagabond King’ poet, most famous for “Ou sont les neiges d’antan?” (“Where are the snows of yesteryear?”) — German muttered tempoless then gorgeous languidly tinkling and pulsing Sueno Latino/Mr Fingers-is...