Dr CHEN, Gaowei 陳高偉 Associate Professor Academic Unit of Human Communication, Development, and Information Sciences Qualification BS in Information Engineering (Xi'an Jiaotong), MPhil in Educational Technology (Peking U), PhD in Educational Psychology (CUHK), Postdoc (Pitt Lrdc) ...
(2017) also said that DN is the most accurate predictor of a person’s desire to save energy.Tang et al.(2019) found that DN had a significant direct and positive effect on how workers saw their energy-saving responsibilities. Also,Xu et al.(2020) found that DN is a better predictor ...
2013). What is happiness or what constitutes a good life depends on a priori value judgments based on cultural norms (Ho, Duan, & Tang, 2014; Lu, 2008, 2010). The experience of what is meaningful is also grounded in the historical and cultural context (Zevnik,...
唐熠达 主任医师 13701018290 tang_yida@163.com 北京市西城区北礼士路167号 100037 中国医学科学院阜外医院 郑哲 主任医师 13910698957 zhengzhefw@hotmail.com 北京市西城区北礼士路167号 100037 中国医学科学院阜外医院 李建军 主任医师 13901010368 lijianjun938@126.com 北京市西城区北礼士路167号 100037 中国医学科...