Pettaway Quality of life after brachytherapy or bilateral nerve-sparing robot-assisted radical prostatectomy for prostate cancer: a prospective cohort. Pierre Blanchard, John W. Davis, Steven J. Frank, Jeri Kim, Curtis A. Pettaway, Thomas J. Pugh, Louis L. Pisters, John F. Ward, Seungtaek ...
Steven Korte, Michael J. Bamshad, Michael Regnier Mutation of ATF6 causes autosomal recessive achromatopsia Muhammad Ansar, Regie Lyn P. Santos-Cortez, Muhammad Arif Nadeem Saqib, Fareeha Zulfiqar, Kwanghyuk Lee, Naeem Mahmood Ashraf, Ehsan Ullah, Xin Wang, Sundus Sajid, Falak Sher Khan, ...
steven h lin the society of thoracic surgeons/american society for radiation oncology updated clinical practice guidelines on multimodality therapy for locally advanced cancer of the esophagus or gastroesophageal junction. stephanie g worrell, karyn a goodman, nasser k altorki, jonathan b ashman, traves...