Gastroenterology David Gerber 5/5 Oncology Andreas Reimold 5/5 Rheumatology James Mitlyng 5/5 Internal Medicine + Show More Hospital Affiliations UT Southwestern Medical CenterDallas, TX #2 in Texas Education & Experience Medical School & Residency Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicin...
arpita desai a milestone for the journal of thoracic oncology. alex a. adjei braf alterations as therapeutic targets in non–small-cell lung cancer tu nguyen-ngoc, h. bouchaab, alex a. adjei, solange peters a phase i study of the smac-mimetic birinapant in adults with refractory solid tumor...
paul l. nguyen, jennifer y. wo predictors of lymph node metastasis in western early gastric cancer. rima ahmad, namrata setia, benjamin schmidt, theodore s. hong, jennifer y. wo, eunice l. kwak, david w. rattner, gregory y. lauwers, john t. mullen tumor heterogeneity and lesion-specific...