Sarkaria, Brett W. Stringer, Bryan W. Day, Meizhang Li, Justin D. Lathia, Jeremy N. Rich, Anita B. Hjelmeland Methylation markers of malignant potential in meningiomas. Jaime Vengoechea, Andrew E. Sloan, Yanwen Chen, Xiaowei Guan, Quinn T. Ostrom, Amber E Kerstetter, Devan Capella, Mark...
induction of apoptosis through akt and c-jun nh2-terminal kinase pathways chunrong yu, bret b. friday, jinping lai, lin yang, jann n. sarkaria, neil e. kay, christopher a. carter, lewis r. roberts, scott h. kaufmann, alex a. adjei what is the right dose? the elusive optimal biologic...
Chan KM, Fang D, Gan H, Hashizume R, Yu C, Schroeder M, Gupta N, Mueller S, James CD, Jenkins R, Sarkaria J, Zhang Z. (2013) The histone H3.3K27M mutation in pediatric glioma reprograms H3K27 methylation and gene expression.Genes & Dev. 2013; 27: 985-990 Chan KM, Wong XHL,...
31) Yang Y, Li B, Hua R, Zhang X, Jiang H, Sun Y, Veronesi G, Ricciardi S, Casiraghi M, Durand M, Caso R, Sarkaria IS, Li Zhigang*; Written on behalf of the AME Thoracic Surgery Collaborative Group. Assessment of Quality Outcomes and Learning Curve for Robot-Assisted Minimally ...
之前该校宣布年收入低于15万美元的美国家庭,孩子可录取,能够学费全免入学。年收入低于6.5万的美国家庭,不仅免学费,食宿费也全免….. 阅读全文 加州新闻 卡尔斯巴德某游泳中心报告一人呈猴痘阳性(图) 2022年9月18日 截至周五,该游泳中心表示,自患者阳性检测以来已经11天了。Sarkaria说,还没有...