Richard B. Duis eu libero in viverra, vel laoreet nisl auctor. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, dolor fringilla non. Donec at neque egestas, feugiat leo eget ultrices orci. Sed elementum, nulla eu varius fermentum, nibh tortor condimentum lacus, at volutpat neque mauris et leo. Donec ...
John Moulder-Brown, Pro Ski racer Being an athlete in 3 professional combat sports I have a long injury history but a back injury in 2016 was the worst. I saw many different physiotherapists and chiropractors. I did everything except rest. The minds a powerful tool and although I was in...
You will go several times until the water rings light brown and then almost clear or clear depending upon your body. Take 1 hour of rest afterwards having fresh water. Then eat a rice and vegetable porridge with 3 tsp of ghee to moisten the alimentary canal. Refrain from meats, dairy, ...
Pretty much fruits & veggies + meat and sometimes a small side of a healthy complex carb like quinoa or brown rice. This diet has done wonders for me by clearing up my mind fog, detoxing my body (digestion has cleared up a ton), and providing me with more energy while not having to...