Ask me to be on your podcast or YouTube channel. Donate to my campaign by spending your own money to print bumper stickers, yard signs, or any other form of advertising. I think the most effective promotion will be word of mouth and mentoring new converts. ...
2020. Dr. Danielle was born and raised in Switzerland. She started to study psychology and nutrition in Paris, traveled through Europe, the Middle East and parts of Asia before coming to the United States in 1979. She earned two doctorates, is a professor of Traditional and Quantum Naturopath...
…There is no sugarcoating it: Bradbury’s letters are amazing in their dullness and sterility. If I had to sum up their tone and content in a sentence, it would be: “Thank you for your eight tons of sycophantic bloviating, here are 16 tons in return.” While reading “Remembrance” ...
Quantum jump to your desired reality effortlessly with this powerful shifting subliminal meditation music. The subliminal affirmations will move straight into your subconscious reprogramming your mind to be in the reality you truly desire. This is so powerful, be clear on what you want before using ...
I shall abstain from me from giving you the complicated formulae and lines of code that make zkproof, zkSNARKS and all its cousins (the latest one being zkML) so brilliant — and so useless. I won’t even mention with work on quantum-resistant zkproof. ...
K's YouTube channel HealthyGamerGG! So glad I was able to get a copy, I'll for sure be picking up copies of this to others in my life no doubt。 :) 。。。more Lindsay Williams , 2024-01-31 00:00...
Highlights from above videos and Skizit Gesture’s Youtube Channel:“Are you a target of Morgellons, Radiation and Gangstalking? These military operations select targets for “cleansing” or as NASA puts it, “SANITIZATION,” of the world’s population which is exactly the same process of ...
If you liked that video on why Doctor Strange is really the ultimate villain of the Multiverse Saga in the MCU, check out more of our videos below, including whyQuantumaniawould have been so much better if Kang had killed Ant-Man, all of the Easter eggs in the third episode ofLokiSeason...
"There are two kinds of geniuses: the 'ordinary' and the 'magicians'. An ordinary genius is a fellow whom you and I would be just as good as, if we were only many times better. There is no mystery as to how his mind works. Once we understand what they've done, we feel certain...
Perhaps quantum computers make for an even stronger example: while they promise enormous speedups for specific tasks like factoring large numbers or simulating molecular interactions, the idea of them being universally faster than classical computers is absolutely false. Additionally, they will also ...