Season 24 Episode 1 A DOCumentary A documentary-style look into the personal lives of our country vets. Dr. Pol and Dr. Lisa team up to treat two dogs in emergency labor. Episode 2 I’ve Never Met Herbivore Dr. Pol welcomes a new vet to the clinic. Meet Dr. Olivia! Dr. Brenda ...
更新时间∶2024-10-21 剧情:《Dr.伦太郎》由日本电视台(NTV)出品,2015年4月15日起每周三晚10点(日本时间)播出。由《Doctor X》和《花子与安妮》的编剧中园美保担任编剧,水田伸生执导,堺雅人主演,苍井优、吉濑美智子、内田有纪、松重丰、小日向文世等出演。该剧讲述了面对各种患者的精神科医生伦太郎,在走进...
Im not a proffesional gamer im not a youtuber im not using twitch. I just wanna have fun @mertdenizzIf you play every day 20 kills and 4k damage are achievable at all levels. But you have to play every day, and a lot if you don't have time for that - don't complain that someo...
AEW: Fight Forever Season Pass 4 19,99 € Popis The AEW: Fight Forever Ultimate Edition includes the main game PLUS access to Matt Hardy, Broken Matt Hardy, and Seasons 1, 2, 3, and 4 DLC, totaling 17 wrestlers, 4 minigames, two all-new modes including Beat the Elite and Tournament...