Dr. Phil provides the most comprehensive forum on mental health issues in the history of television. Learn more about him and the Dr. Phil Primetime show.
Dr. Phil Season 21 Episodes2002-2023 21 Seasons Syndicated Drama, Talk & Interview TV-14 Watchlist Where to Watch Dr. Phillip C. McGraw's show draws on his 25 years of experience in psychology, sociology and observation. Beginning his TV career as the resident expert on human behavior...
The Happy Hoarder: With Phil McGraw, Madison Graber. Kristen says that she isn't a hoarder but admits that her "collection of things" is creating a problem: she is running out of room; why she says it is hard for her to part with her belongings; friends
Welcome to the Dr. Phil Podcast with shows that will entertain, inspire and provide you with tools and techniques to navigate the world. Need help with strategies for building a resilient child, navigating difficult relationships, or looking to laugh… y
Dr. Phil Talk Show to End After 21 Years Dr. Phil McGraw has been a presence on daytime TV for over two decades, but the new season will feature his last new episodes. By Anthony Lund Feb 1, 2023 monster: the jeffrey dahmer story Dr. Phil Says Jeffrey Dahmer Victims Are 'Very...
As one of the top-rated daytime TV hosts in the country, Dr. Phil McGraw has reached millions of people through his namesake talk show. He's ...
Dr. Phil And Robin Share A Personal Story That Will Move You To Tears A daily presence onDr. Philsince its inception, viewers worldwide have embraced Robin's contributions to the show; whether she’s discussing her experiences as a woman, wife, mother and now, grandmother, or dealing with...
Exactly. When COVID hit, Jeremiah Watkins, who plays a different character in every show, and I were talking about trying to find a safe way to have some fun. We rented a little studio space and did these lost Dr. Phil episodes where Phil would interview one of his characters...
Phil answers a host of questions from Cheryl, Kathy, and our ZOOM participants with humor, insight and thoughtfulness. What a fabulous gem of an episode this is because of our talented and kind guest author . Philip Margolin is known for his legal thrillers that have spent many years on ...
This episode dives into the Five Ideals, key principles for success in a digital age, with Dr. Mik Kersten and Peter D. Moore.