Dr. Wong King-Lung Benny - Dentist in Sha Tin, Tsim Sha Tsui, Central. Check out doctor/clinic profile and Book now!
Dr. Helena Wong 黃凱欣 牙科醫生 Specialist in Prosthodontics 修復齒科專科醫生 BDS (HK)MDS (Pros)(HK)AdvDipProsthodont (HK)M Pros RCSEdFCDSHK (Pros)FHKAM (Dental Surgery) 香港大學牙醫學士香港大學牙醫碩士(修復學)香港大學牙科修復學高級文憑愛丁堡皇家外科醫學院修復齒科院員香港牙科醫學院院士(修復...
Dr Wong is just the dentist I was looking for. After 18 years with Dr Debruin in Livermore, he retired and I was not happy with the people who took over his practise. I tried one of the strip mall dentist and they wanted to do a bunch of oral surgery and then cap my teeth for ...
Also at this address Wong Alexander MD Lo Asia, DPM Curtis, Peter J MD Syed, Tanveer F MD Find related places Doctors Dentist Own this business?Claim it See a problem?Let us know You might also like Dentists' office, Prosthodontist, Orthodontist West Houston Dermatology Dentists' office, ...
01 April 2015: Early Detection of Head and Neck Cancers: From a Dentist's Perspective. 2015 Spring Scientific Meeting, College of Dental Surgeons of Hong Kong. 01 February 2015: Multidisciplinary care of Oral and Maxillofacial Tumours: then and now. Hong Kong Association of Oral and Maxillofacial...
醫生姓名︰ 汪家仁 牙醫 WONG KA YAN, PAUL 性別︰ 男 專業資格︰ -- 地址︰ 九龍長沙灣青山道333號華懋廣場8樓 診症時間︰ 星期一 ︰ -- 星期二 ︰ -- 星期三 ︰ -- 星期四 ︰ -- 星期五 ︰ -- 星期六 ︰ -- 星期日 ︰ -- 辦公室電話︰ 27418080 辦公室傳真︰ --...
Rachel Wong Clinic Suite 2203, 22/F, Crawford House, 70 Queen's Road Central, Central, Hong Kong Hong Kong Exit C General Consultation Fee: $500up 2111 9974 Clinic Hours Mon10:00 - 19:00 Tue10:00 - 19:00 Wed10:00 - 19:00 ...
Dr. Wong Yan Kei Candice - Dentist in North Point. Check out doctor/clinic profile and Book now!
Wong Wai Kwong Clinic Room 19B, Hang Seng Causeway Bay Building, 28 Yee Wo Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong Causeway Bay Exit E 2915 0303 Clinic Hours Mon 10:00 - 19:00 Tue 10:00 - 19:00 Wed 10:00 - 19:00 Thu 10:00 - 19:00 Fri 10:00 - 19:00 Sat 10:00 - 16:00 Online...
Dr. Wong Ko Chui Ella - Dentist in Causeway Bay, Sha Tin. Check out doctor/clinic profile and Book now!