Paty has expertise in treating colon removal, colonoscopy, among other conditions - see all areas of expertise. Dr. Philip B. Paty accepts Medicare, Aetna, Blue Cross, United Healthcare - see other insurance plans accepted. Dr. Philip B. Paty is highly recommended by patients. Specialties ...
Evaluation of the Estimated Adenoma Detection Rate (eADR) versus Polypectomy Rate (PR) for Quality Measurement of Colonoscopy: 1963Patel, NealIslam, RafiulGurudu, SuryakanthRamirez, FranciscoCrowell, MichaelFaigel, DouglasOfficial journal of the American College of Gastroenterology | ACG...
The Incidence of Hyponatremia with Two Commonly Prescribed Purgatives for Colonoscopy - Polyethylene Glycol 3350 with Sports Drink (PEG-SD) Compared to Polyethylene Glycol with Electrolyte Solution (PEG-ELS): ACG/AstraZeneca Fellow Award: 1818