Hache, râpe, mélange et fris plus de 20 ingrédients et crée le plat parfait ! Sers-les à tes clients et guette leur réaction – ce sera différent à chaque fois ! Dans Dr. Panda: Restaurant 2 tu peux devenir un grand chef, alors aux fourneaux !
《Dr. Panda餐厅》是一款为小朋友精心开发的手机游戏,以一家海岛餐厅为题材,这里的美味吸引了大量的游客前来品尝。而玩家你将帮助小朋友制作各种美味食品,满足各种顾客的需求哦! 【官方介绍】 重新开业啦!这次一切由你做主!制作你梦想中的美味比萨、让人赞不绝口的通心粉或是辣到让人喷火的香辣汤。甜还是咸?辣...
Venez au restaurant de Dr. Panda et cuisinez de délicieux plats pour ses clients les animaux ! * Tablette.com - « Dr Panda Restaurant est un joli jeu de cuisi…
Explore a beautiful new Asian-themed restaurant while making sushi, stir fry and more! Chop, grate, blend, fry and more to create the perfect dish!
Dr. Panda's Restaurant Dr. Panda Ltd Family & kids Official Club 3+ Come to Dr. Panda’s Restaurant and cook delicious food for the animal guests! ★ SmartAppsForKids –“Awesome and affordable app that preschoolers will love”★ TheiMums –“This app is a great one...
Dr. Panda's Restaurant Dr. Panda Ltd 官方俱樂部 一般 像一名真正的大廚一樣料理吧! 快來熊貓博士餐廳爲小動物客人們烹飪美味可口的食物吧! 熊貓博士將通過一系列充滿趣味的迷妳遊戲將孩子們帶入奇妙的烹飪世界。 孩子們將在遊戲中領略並烹飪世界各地的風味美食如: 披薩餅、蘋果派、玉米濃湯、中華...
Dr. Panda Restaurant Asia is open for business! Explore a beautiful new Asian-themed restaurant while making sushi, stir fry and more! Kids can take charge in their own kitchen in the brand new Dr. Panda Restaurant Asia! Future fine chefs have the freedom to choose what they want to prepa...
Dr. Panda Restaurant 3 is a free educational game for kids offering in-app purchases to unlock additional content. These are one-time purchases which will permanently unlock the content for your account. Please check your device settings for more detailed parental options regarding in-app purchases...
The world-famous bear is back in business! He could really use your help in Dr. Panda's Daycare.
Come to Dr. Panda’s Restaurant and cook delicious food for the animal guests! * SmartAppsForKids –“Awesome and affordable app that preschoolers will love” * TheiMums –“This app is a great one for practicing fine motor skills, routines and se