Original Dr. Mundo His raccoon nurse can be seen in the background. He wears a bunny slipper on one foot. He and his pre-rework version vaguely resemble Krunk from the Dexter's Laboratory animated series. Original Dr. Mundo Zaun can be seen in the backgr
▶️ "Syringes... check. Bandages... check. Dr._Mundo... uh... check." ▶️ "Paging Dr._Mundo. Ooh, this is Dr._Mundo! You're wanted in the sick people place. Stat." ▶️ "Could someone tell Mundo if there a knife in Mundo's head?" ▶️ "Well, time to mak...
佐恩狂人-蒙多医生(DR.Mundo) 英雄:佐恩狂人-蒙多医生(DR.Mundo) 能力:打钱,治疗,打断,抗打击,减速,菜刀,肉盾,近战 背景资料: 这个被人们叫做蒙多医生的家伙就是在佐恩城出生的,他天生就泯灭了良知。他希望通过实验来散播苦痛的欲望则是无止尽的。在他5岁的时候,邻居家的猫啊狗啊的大多都失踪了,然后等他到...
LoL Arena Dr. Mundo Build for 2v2v2v2. Best Augments, Item Builds, and champions to play with Dr. Mundo in patch 14.21.
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chorei em algumas parte que mexeu muito comigo senti indo embora bagagens que eu procurava eliminar mas nenhuma outra ferramenta eliminou por completo. Venho com gratidão infinita por ter te encontrado nesse mundo, agradeço de coração pelo seu incrível trabalho. Gratidão Lisa seu tra...