Mudd had been given a seat outside of the prisoners’ dock, he wrote to General John Hartranft, the commander in charge of the conspirators, asking why Mudd was being given preferential treatment. General Hartranft explained Mudd’s preferential seating was accidental as he and Mrs. Surratt had... 1935 the manager of Stewart’s was convicted of operating a “public nuisance” and “disorderly house” and “openly outraging public decency” by allowing objectionable behavior in the interior and large crowds to gather outside. Specifically, the district attorney’s complaint cited “cer...
When I was a kid I thought it was perfectly normal to picnic at the cemetery. I actually looked forward to it! Grandma and Grandpa Kuna. This photo looks so ethnic, don’t you think? My dad. Apparently, he was so good looking that women would fake faint in church because they wanted...
(This may justify, say, taking guns away from people convicted of violent crimes if it’s likely that they may do it again; I don’t think it can justify ex ante restrictions on gun ownership or purchase for all of us ordinary civilians.) Roughly because as long as there no specific ...