Pain management inequities by demographic and geriatric-related variables in older adult inpatients. Torsten B Neilands, Aksharananda Rambachan, Leah Karliner, Kenneth Covinsky, Margaret Fang, Tung Nguyen Patient COUNTS: A pilot navigation program for Asian American cancer patients. Salma Shariff-Marc...
Compared to another ethnobotanical survey of plants used as antidiabetic in Kisangani, Eastern province of DRC, 10 species cited in this study are also mentioned by Katemo et al [31]. ConclusionIn this study tradipraticians cited both medicinal herbs already known for their antidiabetic effect ...
perrot, alex a. adjei, fred r. hirsch, s. malik, d. harpole a phase i study of the vegfr kinase inhibitor vatalanib in combination with the mtor inhibitor, everolimus, in patients with advanced solid tumors mojun zhu, julian r. molina, grace k. dy, yingwei qi, james f. glockner,...
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