Dr. Arlene will share her memorable experience with Disney legend Marty Sklar, corporate entrepreneur extraordinaire and author of Dream It! Do It!. With Dr. Arlene’s Right Fit Strategies, YOU can do it too! January 2014 Shows "Dr. Arlene's Three Unique New Year's Resolutions for ...
But I do know that not only people, pets and places come in and out of our lives, but also machines that make our lives easier and they share in some of the same family memories that add to…all part of growing up. ### Name(required) Email(required) Website Comment(required) ...
Marty on September 24th, 2022 - 8:15pm Thank you Dr. Axe and Kapuna Aunty Margaret Machado, Hawaiian legend, healer, and Lomilomi teacher who made the Deep Sea Saltwater Cleanse famous. Used to do a simplified version almost 35 years ago. Vivid memories of the ‘bucket inspections’ to...