Stalking through the wild grass and brutalist concrete wilderness of Tarkov, he’s implacable, the unstoppable force you’ve always secretly wanted to see come up against an object that claims to be immovable. He sees an enemy unaware. He snarls. The sights come up instinctively. I...
10.loot點將開始隨機化,這意味著可以防範一些跑刀仔,同時也能達到nikita要的到處探索tarkov,而不是一直cyka blyat rush紅卡固定點。 11.之後的檢查彈夾的剩餘彈量可以在確認完後直接卸彈換新的。 12.突襲期間將會有類似把你loot到的物品載走的載具,甚至有付錢給scav讓他們幫你把物品帶走。(我記得好像有...