Dr. Robert Louis MD is a professional neurosurgeon & neurologist at Brain Spine MD in Newport Beach, Orange County, CA. Call 949-383-4185 today.
Dr. Aquilla Turk is a Neurosurgeon in Greenville, SC. Find Dr. Turk's phone number, address, insurance information, hospital affiliations and more.
Dr. Neil A. Martin is a Neurosurgeon in Santa Monica, CA. Find Dr. Martin's phone number, address, insurance information, hospital affiliations and more.
Dr. Ann-Christine Duhaime is a Neurosurgeon in Boston, MA. Find Dr. Duhaime's phone number, address, insurance information, hospital affiliations and more.
For example, vascular surgeons treat problems arising in the blood vessels, cardiac surgeons perform open surgeries on the heart, orthopedic surgeons treat the joints and bones, and neurosurgeons treat brain and spinal cord diseases. Subspecialties Surgical Oncology (Other than Breast) Message from ...
Dr. George L. Hawkins; Longtime NeurosurgeonGeorge L. Hawkins Jr., a neurosurgeon in St. Louis County for nearly 40 years, died Thursday (April 6, 1995) of cancer at St. Luke's Hospital in Chesterfield. He was 78 and lived in Creve Coeur.U.S. Newspapers...
Dr. George E. Roulhac; NeurosurgeonDr. George Erwin Roulhac Jr., a retired neurosurgeon, died Friday (June 24, 1994) at Southeast Georgia Medical Center in Brunswick, Ga., after a long illness. He was 78.U.S. NewspapersSt Louis PostDispatch (MO)...