醫生姓名︰ 林少豪醫生 Dr. Lam Siu Ho 性別︰ 男 專業資格︰ 香港大學內外全科醫學士 1980, 英國格拉斯哥皇家醫學院外科院士 1986, 香港醫學專科學院院士(外科) 1993 地址︰ 九龍觀塘協和街130號基督教聯合醫院外科 診症時間︰ 沒有提供 辦公室電話︰ 2379 4877 辦公室傳真︰ 2772 4566 其他資料︰ N/A...
藍明權醫生(Dr. LAM MING KUEN, JOSEPH) - 香港醫生目錄網提供藍明權醫生及診所的資料,如醫生專業資格、診所地址、診所電話、診症時間等。藍明權醫生(Dr. LAM MING KUEN, JOSEPH)診所位於香港尖沙咀區,請即按此查詢或電話預約藍明權醫生。
Co-investigator(s): Dr Wong Ricky Wing Kit, Dr Ng Daniel Kwok Keung, Dr Fung Siu Chung, Dr Mak Wing Sze, Dr Tsoi Kit Hon, Dr Fung Kevin Kin Fen Project Title: Plaque cleaning apparatus using dental acrylic 3-D printing technique by micro-mist injection for elderly and disabledGrant ...
Direct deposit into any one of following bank accounts and send a bank-in slip copy to our EXCO via email drbryanadr@gmail.com i. our association’s BEA account: 187-40-40095-9 or ii. HSBC: 557-262-227-833 (Wong Siu Fai Bryan) or iii. Heng Sang Bank: Pay cash to any one of ...
Co-investigator, Effects of visualisation method for education of building systems in architecture education, MOE Tertiary Education Research Fund, 2018-2019 (Principal Investigator: Dr. Lau Siu-Kit, National University of Singapore, Singapore, SGD 181,720). (completed) ...
罗/骆--Loh/Lo/Law/Lam/Rowe 吕--Lui/Lu 令狐--Lin-hoo M:马/麻--Ma 麦--Mai/Mak 满--Man/Mai 毛--Mao 梅--Mei 孟/蒙--Mong/Meng 米/宓--Mi 苗/缪--Miau/Miao 闵--Min 穆/慕--Moo/Mo 莫--Mok/Mo 万俟--Moh-chi 慕容--Mo-yung ...
Expression of GPR88, GPR52, and GPR6 in DRD1 or DRD2- expressing neurons of rat basal ganglion by Double-ISH analysis.doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0090134.g003Komatsu HidetoshiMaruyama MinoruYao ShuuheiShinohara TokuyukiSakuma KensukeImaichi Sachiko...
Yuen is one of the six veteran Hong Kong filmmakers who directed local director Johnnie To Kei-fung’s highly anticipated anthology series Septet: The story of Hong Kong. The other filmmakers include Sammo Hung, Ann Hui On-wah, Patrick Tam, Tsui Hark and Ringo Lam. The short files were ...
Yee-Hung Lam. Regia: Lang zi sha shou ba wang hua. Yee-Hung Lam è conosciuto come regista e sceneggiatore. È celebre per aver partecipato a Lang zi sha shou ba wang hua (1992), Qian qi bai guai qiao nu yong (1975) e Er nai cun: Sha fu (1995).
Choi SW, Lam DMH. Missing in action - where have all the data gone!?, Anaesthesia 2017; 72(9): 1146-1148 doi:10.1111/anae.14001 Ho Cyrus K., Choi Siu Wai, Fung Matthew S., Benzie Iris F.F.. Tea polyphenols: Absorption, bioavailability and potential toxicity, CAB Reviews: Perspecti...