【BBC经典故事】第12期 《Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde》|《化身博士》 03:51 【Chinese Folk Tale|中国民间故事】《The Boy Called Ne Zha》|《哪吒》 KidsAndTeens播客屋 3286 0 【BBC经典故事】第1期 《Hansel and Gretel》|《糖果屋》 KidsAndTeens播客屋 1743 0 练听力最好的方法是上瘾 大风哥看美剧...
Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1920).mp4 小洋影视库 hi,我这里有一个关于《化身博士》(Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,1920)的资源,这部电影是基于罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森的经典小说改编,由约翰·S·罗伯特森执导。主要演员包括约翰·巴里摩尔(饰演杰基尔医生/海德先生)、尼塔·纳尔迪、查尔斯·克莱恩等。 这部1920年的默片...
Mr Utterson the lawyer was a man of a rugged countenance, that was never lighted by a smile; cold, scanty and embarrassed in discourse; backward in sentiment; lean, long, dusty, dreary, and yet somehow lovable. At friendly meetings, and when the wine was to his taste, something eminently...
Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - 化身博士 (英文原版)是Stevenson Robert Louis创作的英文图书类小说,QQ阅读提供Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - 化身博士 (英文原版)部分章节免费在线阅读,此外还提供Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - 化身博士 (
简介 在线阅读本书 Introduction and Notes by Dr Tim Middleton, Head of English Studies, University of Ripon and York In seeking to discover his inner self, the ...展开短评 打开App写短评 安德2014-03-01 14:09:25 Dr Jekyll跟后来的道连格雷,都有一个问题,就是他们伪善,用分离自我来实现欲望,...
DR.JekyllandMr.Hyde 1 一扇神秘的门 律师厄特森先生是个不爱说话、一本正经的人。在陌生人面前,他非常腼腆,不爱流露自 己的情感,可当着朋友,他的眼睛总闪烁着关心与真诚的光芒,虽然这种真与善在他说的话中不 大找得到,可在他的待人处世中一点一滴都没有漏掉。在生活上,他从不放纵享乐,吃喝也很...
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde的创作者· ··· 罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森作者 作者简介· ··· 罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森(1850-1894)是苏格兰著名的小说家,著有长篇、短篇小说、旅行札记、诗歌和戏剧等作品。他的著名小说《化身博士》曾被多次搬上银幕。 原文摘录 ...
HydeKatie O. Another credible example of the idea that even the best laid plans are at the mercy of the unknown is exemplifies through the novel by Robert Louis Stevenson, Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, began his experiment with the best of intentions and an almost perfect plan; to separate the...
英文名著-化身博士.Dr.Jekyll.and.Mr.Hyde. by:静听经典_说纯正英语 726 【英文】化身博士-史蒂文森 by:英语滚雪球 4.5万 名著英语故事|化身博士+英语听力 by:小乐舟 45 化身博士 by:上海译文出版社电子书 1053 化身博士 by:a热带季风 742 化身博士 by:蓝羽无尘 4.8万 英文名著选 by:MrrrrrFu 2397 英文名...
Mr Utterson the lawyer was a quiet, serious man. He was shy with strangers and afraid of showing his feelings. Among friends, however, his eyes shone with kindness and goodness. And, although this goodness never found its way into his conversation, it showed itself in his way of life. ...