简介 在线阅读本书 Introduction and Notes by Dr Tim Middleton, Head of English Studies, University of Ripon and York In seeking to discover his inner self, the ...展开短评 打开App写短评 安德2014-03-01 14:09:25 Dr Jekyll跟后来的道连格雷,都有一个问题,就是他们伪善,用分离自我来实现欲望,...
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde的创作者· ··· 罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森作者 作者简介· ··· 罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森(1850-1894)是苏格兰著名的小说家,著有长篇、短篇小说、旅行札记、诗歌和戏剧等作品。他的著名小说《化身博士》曾被多次搬上银幕。 原文摘录 ...
《Dr Jekyll And Mr Hyde》是The Damned演唱的歌曲,收录在《Noise Noise Noise》。歌曲歌词 I m normal outside He evil inside I dr jekyll and He mr hyde I try to be true He tries to be cruel I hold you gently but He smother you My clothes will impress you And my claws will undress ...
化身博士 Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 作者:罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森(Robert Louis Stevenson) [英国] 亨利·杰基尔医生喝了一种试验用的药剂,在晚上化身成邪恶的海德先生四处作恶,他终日徘徊在善恶之间,其内心属灵的内疚和犯罪的快感不断冲突,令他饱受折磨。这种貌似荒诞无稽的故事,其实蕴含了最深刻的人性命题:人,...
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde: Directed by Victor Fleming. With Spencer Tracy, Ingrid Bergman, Lana Turner, Donald Crisp. Dr. Jekyll allows his dark side to run wild after he drinks a potion that turns him into the evil Mr. Hyde.
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 暂无报价 10+评论 100%好评 内容简介: The doppelganger, the ghostly double infecting the soul, was a popular fictional subject for late nineteenth-century writers, and it found its most brilliant realization in Robert Louis Stevenon's story of Dr Jekyll, whose ...
DR.JekyllandMr.Hyde 1 一扇神秘的门 律师厄特森先生是个不爱说话、一本正经的人。在陌生人面前,他非常腼腆,不爱流露自 己的情感,可当着朋友,他的眼睛总闪烁着关心与真诚的光芒,虽然这种真与善在他说的话中不 大找得到,可在他的待人处世中一点一滴都没有漏掉。在生活上,他从不放纵享乐,吃喝也很...
HydeKatie O. Another credible example of the idea that even the best laid plans are at the mercy of the unknown is exemplifies through the novel by Robert Louis Stevenson, Dr.Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, began his experiment with the best of intentions and an almost perfect plan; to separate the...
《化身博士》是19世纪英国作家罗伯特·路易斯·史蒂文森创作的长篇小说,是其代表作之一。书中塑造了文学史上首位双重人格形象,后来“杰基尔和海德”(Jekyll and Hyde)一词成为心理学“双重人格”的代称。另外有同名音乐剧、电影。内容简介 学者亨利·杰基尔博士(Henry Jekyll,又译杰基科)认为人是由多种多样矛盾...