About Dr. James Dobson Dr. James Dobson is the Founder and President of Family Talk, a nonprofit organization that produces his radio program, "Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk." He is the author of more than 30 books dedicated to the preservation of the family, including The New Dare to...
道生博士(Dr.JamesDobson)举了一个例子(他是在美国提倡注重家庭的基督教领袖,著有『管与教』等书,销售超过一百万本 …blog.roodo.com|基于24个网页 2. 杜布森博士 不仅有鼓舞人心的目标,詹姆士杜布森博士(Dr.JamesDobson)在《培育男孩》中更提交振聋发聩的方案:“作为父母的你有 …www.156t.com|基于18个...
Dr. Dobson's flagship program, "Family Talk," is aired on more than 1,300 terrestrial radio outlets and numerous digital channels that reach millions of people each month. About Dr. James Dobson Dr. James Dobson is the Founder and President of Family Talk, a nonprofit organization that produ...
Today on Family Talk, Dr. James Dobson welcomes Dr. Arch Hart and his daughter, Dr. Sharon May, to discuss their book, Safe Haven Marriage. They'll share practical insights for breaking free from destructive cycles and building the kind of relationship you long for. 2月13日 Conflict is in...
James Dobson concludes his spirit-filled discussion with Dr. Jerry Kirk, Candy Marballi, and Rick Schatz. They discuss the Children’s Prayer Card they developed, as well as the children’s book entitled, The Power of the Prayer Covenant, which has been translated into many languages and ...
The Dobson Digital Library provides you with comprehensive search results for your topics of interest and gives you options for collecting videos, articles and other materials to create your own personal library. This allows you to save resources that you can read, listen to and watch at your le...
Listen to today's broadcast of Dr. James Dobson's Family Talk atOnePlace.com. For more from Dr. Dobson, visit the resource center atdrjamesdobson.org. This devotional is taken fromNight Light for Parents.Copyright © 2000 by James Dobson, Inc. All rights reserved.Used with ...
Dr. James Dobson's Bringing Up Boys 作者:Dobson, James C. 定价:270.00 元 ISBN:9781589970403 豆瓣评分 目前无人评价 + 加入购书单
This essay analyzes a letter written by James Dobson to over 2 million constituents of Focus on the Family. The letter discusses the 1993 Fetal Tissue Research Initiative, and is a complex example of moral‐poetic discourse rising above the scientific ideal in American culture. I first employ a...
“Bringing Up Girls” - Dr. James Dobson 随手读书笔记2:“培养你的女儿成为淑女” - 5/24/2019 对这篇比较有感触的一个很大原由始于我而立之年之后才开始对于“归置收纳”这个习惯的”学习“。从小我就不会收纳,身边的东西都是没有秩序的,当时看有的朋友家里非常整洁,我以为这就是人的个性决定的...