醫生資訊 醫生姓名︰胡曉琳醫生 Dr. Wu Hiu Lam, Helen 性別︰女 專業資格︰香港大學內外全科醫學士 2001 地址︰ 香港柴灣樂民道3號東區尤德夫人那打素醫院 診症時間︰沒有提供 辦公室電話︰--- 辦公室傳真︰--- 其他資料︰N/A QRIOUS® 奇瑞斯紫錐菊萃取沖劑 ...
醫生姓名︰林曉丹醫生 Dr. Lam Hiu Tan 性別︰女 專業資格︰澳洲亞德萊德內外全科醫學士 2002, 英國愛爾蘭兒科文憑 2006 地址︰ 九龍鑽石山鳳德邨雪鳳樓11-12號舖地下 診症時間︰ 星期一︰0830-1330; 1630-2100 星期二︰0830-1330; 1630-2100 星期三︰0830-1330; 1630-2100 ...
Lam, Raymond H. W. , Kim, Min-Cheol. & Thorsen, Todd. (2009). Culturing aerobic and anaerobic bacteria and mammalian cells with a microfluidic differential oxygenator. Analytical Chemistry. 81/14. 5918- 5924. doi:10.1021/ac9006864 BookLam, Raymond H. W. & Chen, Weiqiang. (Summer 2019)...
2859 0261 Research profile HKU Scholars Hub > Scopus > Researcher ID > ORCID > Google Scholar > Research Theme Population Oral Health Areas of Research Expertise Childhood caries prevention and management Category Publications Honours and Awards Editorships Knowledge Exchange Professional Societies Grants In...
01 February 2018: Jung Han Sung, Lo Edward Chin Man, Chu Chun Hung, Duangthip Duangporn, Wong Hai Ming, Tsoi Kit Hon, Su Yuxiong, Dissanayaka Waruna Lakmal, Lee Hiu Man Gillian, McGrath Colman Patrick Joseph, Yiu Cynthia Kar Yung, Bornstein Michael Marc. Special Funding for Impact Eviden...
Chen Ke and Tsang Ngai Hung Steve Best Paper Award of the 2013 IAENG International Conference on Industrial Engineering Usage of Mobile Phones amongst Elderly People in Hong Kong International Association of Engineers Chen Ke Best Paper Award of the 2012 IAENG International Conference on Industrial Eng...