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Serena Su Ying Chang, Amanda Zhirui Lim, Gene Yong-Kwang Ong, Rupini Piragasam, John Carson Allen, Kee Chong Ng, Ian Maconochie, Shu-Ling Chong Accuracy of parent-reported ages and stages questionnaire in assessing the motor and language skills of preterm infants. G Y H Hwarng, I L Eren...
HashCorp's plugins for Porter. Contribute to dev-drprasad/porter-hashicorp-plugins development by creating an account on GitHub.
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“Sustainable development and green education in mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong.” Fu-Lai Tony Yu; Thomas Wai-Kee Yuen; Edward C.H. Tang, International Journal of Pluralism and Economics Education (IJPEE), Vol. 10, No.1 2019.p.69-90.DOI:10.1504/IJPEE.2019.098176 ...
愉景灣航運 Discovery Bay Transportation, 港九小輪 HK & Kowloon Ferry, 街渡 Kaito, 天星小輪 Star Ferry, 珀麗灣客運 Park Island Transport, 全記渡 Chuen Kee Ferry, 新渡輪 Sun Ferry, 翠華船務 Tsui Wah Ferry Service, 富裕小輪 Fortune Ferry, 珊瑚海船務 Coral Sea Ferry Service and ...
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龙凤行 | Loon Fung 位于中国城的Gerrard Street的龙凤行被誉为“英国华人超市四大天王之一”,作为与泗和行风头不分伯仲的英国中超另一大巨头,龙凤行比泗和行还要老个十岁,到现在仍是每天门庭若市,买单要排很长的队伍。 不过龙凤行里面有三四个收银台一起开,基本可以满足结账需求,里面的货架满满当当,瓜果蔬菜琳琅满...