電郵 dept.mk@dr-kong.com.hk 分店: 新界 離島 地址: 離島東涌達東路20號東薈城名店倉4樓404舖 電話: 21093363 九龍 香港島 看地圖 「優質旅遊服務」計劃 連續20年或以上獲得「優質旅遊服務」計劃認證的「資深優質商戶」
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Purifying Prep KitTransform your foot care routine with our ultimate foot treatment kit! Designed to nourish and rejuvenate tired feet, this comprehensive set includes everything you need for a spa-like experience at home.Shop Now ABUNDANT Adventure CollectionChannel your most authentic self with the...
Dr.Kong was founded in Hongkong in 1999. So far, nearly fifty shops and a foot clinic have been set up in Hongkong. Through professional "Check & Fit" foot service, consultancy service is designed to provide healthy, comfortable and excellent foot care products and backpack products for differ...
Dr Kong Footcare Limited 手袋、行李箱、鞋履及皮革製品 成立於1999年,首創「Check & Fit」驗腳配鞋墊服務,為各年齡人士提供免費專業足部檢查,再根據顧客的足部情況,選擇護足產品。商戶詳情 電郵 dept.mk@dr-kong.com.hk 分店: 新界 地址: 新界元朗教育路1號千色匯2樓209至210舖 電話: 24436843 ...
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Dr Rehm Remedies specializing in health products for foot care and diabetic foot care. Dr. Rehm's natural foot cream will help with dry & cracked skin and assists healing dehydrating skin. Our Diabetic foot cream is formulated for diabetics. The Foot Lo
The 17"×17" high definition flat panel detector supports a wide range of positioning needs. Built-in Detector Charging Easy access to charging provides long lasting detector performance. Built-in Super-capacitor The built-in super-capacitor eliminates the need for frequent battery replacement and en...