Dr Fauci:Those of us in the field have got to continue to encourage the younger generation of people. Although this is a negative aspect of what we are unfortunately experiencing now, the rewards of going into science and the rewards of going into public health far, far outweigh the negative...
Fauci For “Medical Misinformation” Posted on January 3, 2022 by Tony Heller Update : I appealed and they restored the video. About Tony Heller Just having fun View all posts by Tony Heller → This entry was posted in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. ← Vaccine Efficacy Climate ...
DR. FAUCI: I think it's a combination of an expansion and an amplification of the anti-science, anti-vax. There is something I've never seen in my 54 years in medicine at the NIH, is that the acceptance or not of a life-saving intervention is steered very heavily by your political ...
“The people who knowanythingabout me — not the people who tweet nonsense about me, but the people who really know me — know that I’m a completely apolitical person,” Fauci tellsRolling Stone. “I’m not a Republican; I’m not a Democrat. I d...
"We've had four years, Tony, of – from the top – undermining confidence in all of our institutions: intelligence, the FBI, the media, science. That's been a pandemic of its own kind, hasn't it?" "It has," Fauci said. "And we've gotta repair it. We have to. Because the co...
Dr. Anthony Fauci Dr. David Card Dr. Edith Bracho-Sanchez Dr. Eleanor Emery Dr. George Borjas Dr. Giovanni Peri Dr. Henry Louis Gates Jr. Dr. Martin Luther King Dr. Mary Ellsberg Dreamers Dred Scott Case Dree Collopy, Esq. Drug Crimes Dudley Althaus Due Process DUI ...
“I am honored to be awarded the Dr. Paul Janssen Award for Biomedical Research together with Dr. Maquat,” said Dr. Varshavsky. “Many years of research by our laboratories have led to these discoveries. I look forward to further ...
Service, science, and fortitude: Our thanks and salute to Dr. Anthony S. Fauci, October 2020.doi:10.1017/ICE.2020.1313Judith A. Guzman-CottrillDavid K. HendersonHilary BabcockSarah HaesslerMary K. HaydenA. Rekha MurthyClare RockTrevor Van Schooneveld...
I really try to just express to people to have patience in what you believe and what you share, and if it doesn’t align with what our experts are saying, like Dr. Fauci, then it’s probably not true and don’t share it. Because of social media, the middle of this pandemic looks...
DR. FAUCI: You know, I hope so, JOHN. The underlying reason for the CDC doing this was just based on the evolution of the science that I mentioned a moment ago. But if, in fact, this serves as an incentive for people to get vaccinated, all the better. I hope it does, actually,...