Photo above by Edward Steichen, circa 1926. (The New York Times) * * * From Our Advertisers The German Tourist Information Office welcomed visitors to “witness the rebirth of a nation,” promising a land of “new ideas and broader visions” that would bestow on travelers “undying ...
Lake Edward- a lake in the Great Rift Valley between Congo and Uganda Chiluba,Luba- a member of a Bantu people in southeastern Congo Congolese- a native or inhabitant of the Republic of the Congo Zairean,Zairese- a native or inhabitant of Zaire ...
I’ve been scarred more than once. One time a group of my friends decided it would be good to do a Secret Santa. I spend an hour or two making sure that I found a present for my secret santa that was good quality, something small but meaningful. After all, no one wants to get s...
Hall and Edward Steers, were not permitted to exit the bus at the Mudd house due to their habit of poking holes in the family narrative of the doctor’s alleged innocence. However, those regrettable days are well in the past now at the Mudd house. A change in leadership has championed ...
Electric Industry Knew of Climate Threat Decades Ago, Scientific American, viewed 12 March 2021, Wikipedia Contributors 2021, Exxon, Wikipedia, Wikimedia Foundation, viewed 12 March ...
Judge Edward C. Prado Judge Edward F. Kelly Judge Edward Grant Judge Eileen Trujillo Judge Elizabeth L. Branch Judge Elizabeth Young JUDGE ELLEN LIEBOWITZ Judge Emmet G. Sullivan Judge Eric Marsteller Judge Frank Easterbrook Judge Frank M. Hull Judge Gabe Gonzalez Judge Garry Mal...
Aged 11, Germaine had suggested to her mother she marry Edward Gibbon, a visitor to her salon, whom she found most attractive. Then, she reasoned, he would always be around for her.[12] In 1783, at seventeen, she was courted by William Pitt the Younger and by the fop Comte de Guiber...
I'm going to read from his Wikipedia entry. "Bret Victor worked as a human interface inventor at Apple from 2007, until 2011. He was a member of the small group of people who worked on the initial design for the iPad and contributed to the development of other products, including the ...
In 1638, Edward Harthorpe, Richard Veesey, Michael March and Thomas Huckleton, ‘with divers others’, made their will, ‘being bound to take a voyage to Canady (sic) in America, w(hi)ch being a daingerous voyage, and they putting theire lives to hazard therein, did consider their ...
John Markoff, Technology Correspondent, The New York Times Edward McKinley, President, E.M. Warburg, Pincus & Company International, Ltd. Arati Prabhakar, former Chief Technology Officer, Raychem Corporation In evaluating the applications, the judges sought to identify proposals with the potential to...