doom兩大正邪魔法角色合作的故事Doctor Strange and Dr. Doom: Triumph and Torment 這部Graphic Novel更邀請了Hellboy之父Mike Mignola一同合作。這段故事延續了1970年Astonishing tales的故事Though some call it Magic! 的設定,描寫了Dr. Doom的救母之旅。這個故事裏Dr. Doom放下他的驕傲為了從Mephisto手中奪回母親...
David Bischoff His first novel,The Seeker, which was co-written with Christopher Lampton was published by Laser Books forty-seven years ago. He was extremely prolific. No, I don’t meansortof prolific, I meanextremelyprolific. He wrote some seventy-five original novels which is to say not w...
like Minesweeper, was there to get people accustomed to using the mouse. There were many games marketed over the years with fancier, even customizable cards, more variations on the game. One of the first shareware games I actually bought – outside DOOM – wasSolsuite...
In a subtle twist of tone, Chaos is presented as at once the blessing and doom of humanity. Although Chaos has the power to mutate and destroy, it is also typically aggressive, changeable, and vigorous. Humanity inher- ited many of these qualities. The thematic tone is dark ...