David Sinclair | NMN & 抗衰老科学🔬 哈佛大学遗传学教授、畅销书《Lifespan》作者📌 本期讨论:如何延长寿命、抗衰老科技、间歇性禁食、压力管理等 David Sinclair 是哈佛医学院的遗传学教授,也是 Sinclair Lab 的创始人。他著有畅销书《Lifespan: Why We Age—and Why We Don’t Have To》,并创办了多...
David A. Sinclair, Ph.D., A.O. is a Professor in the Department of Genetics and co-Director of the Paul F. Glenn Center for Biology of Aging Research at Harvard Medical School. He is best known for his work on understanding why we age and how to slow its effects. He obtained his ...
悉尼大学化学博士 直播采访DS教授 健康活到150知乎达人2 人赞同了该文章 2020.1.23. 中国新年前夕,DS读书会会长DR.陈对DAVID SINCLAIR教授进行了一个小时的采访,宣传教授的新书LIFESPAN-WHY WE AGE AND WHY WE DON'T HAVE TO中文版的发行(中信出版社) 0发布...
David Sinclair. “80% of your health in old age is up to you.” @davidasinclair Who Is Dr. David Sinclair? Even as a child, Dr. David Sinclair was struck by the unfairness of the aging process. When he was only four years old, his grandmother cautioned him to make the most of ...
怎样识别真假NMN,nmn怎样识别真假,2013年,哈佛医学院的David Sinclair敎授发现NMN可以抵抗縗老,延长健康寿命。随后大量资本和科研力量涌入,无论是动物实验还是人体临床实验,都证实NMN能修腹由衰老引起的机体损伤。 In 2013, David Sinclair at Harvard Medical School found that NMN can resist aging and prolong heal...
Topics discussed include the science behind why we age and interventions for slowing and even reversing aging. This podcast is distinct from Dr. Sinclair's teaching and research roles at Harvard Medical School. Synopsis It looks like we don't have any synopsis for this title yet.Be the first...
In 2009, Dr. Blagosklonny and his co-editors-in-chief, Judy Campisi and David Sinclair, foundedAging, abbreviated as Aging (Albany NY) by Medline and Aging-US by Web of Science (WoS). The journal rapidly became one of the leading journals in the field and has published at least seven...
I was interviewed by TheOneRing.net’s Clifford Broadway (host of TORn Tuesday) and Cathy Udovch (TORn special events coordinator), alongside Luke Shelton and Mariana Rios Maldonado on Tolkien, evil, and how the Second Age may come to our screens via The Lord of the Rings on Prime. Watch...
36. Sandra Weimer, Steffen Priebe, Ines Heiland, Marc Birringer, Marco Groth, Alexandra Segref, Yariv Kanfi, Nathan L Price, Sebastian Schmeisser, Stefan Schuster, Andreas F H Pfeiffer, Reinhard Guthke, Matthias Platzer, Thorsten Hoppe, Haim Y Cohen, Kim Zarse, David A Sinclair, Michael ...
Sadly, Ring Lardner would be gone in less than a month—he died of a heart attack on Sept. 25, 1933, at the tender age of 48. * * * On Second Thought Previously, film criticJohn Mosherhad been lukewarm to the up-and-comingKatharine Hepburn. No more. Her appearance inMorning Glorydr...