Sir David R. Hawkins, M.D., Ph.D. was a nationally renowned psychiatrist, physician, researcher, spiritual teacher and lecturer. The uniqueness of his contribution to humanity comes from the advanced state of spiritual awareness known as ” Enlightenment,”“Self–Realization,” and “Unio Mystic...
著名的精神科医师大卫·霍金斯(Dr. David R.Hawkins)的“能量级别论”研究告诉我们,善的能量级别高,恶的能量级别就低。 如下表: 1. 开悟正觉:700~1000 2. 安详平和:600 3. 寧静喜悦:540 4. 爱与崇敬:500 5...
必应词典为您提供dr.david-r.hawkins的释义,网络释义: 精神科医师大卫霍金斯博士;精神科医师戴维霍金斯博士;精神科医师大卫博士;
David R. Hawkins, MD, author of “Power vs. Force”, “The Eye of the I”, “I” , “Truth vs. Falsehood” and “Transcending the Levels of Consciousness” by Veritas Publishing. He is Director of The Institute for Advanced Theoretical and Spiritual Research...
美国著名精神科医师大卫·霍金斯(Dr. David R.Hawkins)的“能量级别论”研究告诉我们,善的能量级别高,恶的能量级别就低。如下表: 1. 开悟正觉:700~1000 2. 安详平和:600 3. 寧静喜悦:540 4. 爱与崇敬:500 ...
Levels Of Consciousness – David R. Hawkins 大衛霍金斯一生對人類最大的貢獻,是他找到了一個簡易的以人體肌肉反應(運動機能學Kinesiology),來測試古今萬事萬物靈性階層的方法。他花了20年的時間,動用了數千信徒,在全世界各地作臨床實驗,整理出一套能以客觀的科學方法,測試人類古往今來的人物及經典的意識層次等級...
Rostvold, Cameron Stone, Lea R. Raymer, Andrea Menzel, Leslie Rickman, Barbara Campbell, Lorraine Sherlin, Lisa Hawkins, Melissa L. Buckner, Olesya N. Matsipura, Paula Price, A. Thomas Ghuman, Paul A. Raskauskas, Ashish G. Sharma, Glenn L. Wing, Joseph P. Walker, Eileen Knips, Cheryl...
作者是大衛.霍金斯 David R. Hawkins,他是科學家、哲學家、心理醫生、心靈療愈師。他用現代的語言與科技、專有名詞,來做比喻及解釋靈界實相,不引經據典。因此對初學的人,相當容易讀,也相當容易瞭解。之後,蔡博士整整花了兩年,仔細閱讀了霍金斯言論的3本主要著作,才對修行階層、次第,有正確的瞭解。有如找到...
Older adults' immune systems naturally weaken with age, making them more susceptible to COVID-19, influenza (flu) and RSV. Here's what you need to know about these respiratory viruses and why protecting yourself with recommended vaccines is important to your health. ...
#5 Tim Hawkins on #4 David after the #3 Mark Scharenbroic on hobby #2 My nominee for best commercial with a parenting theme (mostly heart warming...