David serves as senior pastor of Shadow Mountain Community Church in San Diego, California, where he resides with his wife, Donna. They have four grown children and twelve grandchildren. Contact Turning Point with Dr. David Jeremiah E-mail ...
Louis Post-Dispatch stable genius Stacey Abrams Stacey Evans Stacey Patton staff stand your ground Starbucks Star of David Star Spangled Banner racist Star Wars Staten Island State of the Union state visit Steele Dossier stent Stephanie Bigbee Fleming Stephanie Rawlings-Blake Stephanie Ruhle Stephanie ...
Jeremiah and Isaiah; Philo; practically all Jewish thinkers and leaders in the realm of Islam but notably Ibn Maymun, Sa’adiah and Hayyuy ibn Zakariyya; Spinoza, Lessing, Mendelssohn, Geiger; Isaac Wise, David Kaufman, Einhorn and Kohler, etc., in respective order. Equally...
“Son” (descendant), the Messiah, will rule and reign. In the Davidic Covenant the promise made to the patriarchs would be both fulfilled and renewed. Like the Abrahamic Covenant, the Davidic Covenant looked into the future to the arrival of the promised Seed, the Messianic King (Isa. ...
In many senses, Marxism shares in good measure both the content and functions of the more radical aspects of African American Christianity(more accurately described as "the radical remnant" of the Black Church tradition). In the wake of the Cold War, ...
Such conversation, the Pastoral Let- ter advised, was "urgently neededin our church," as well as in ourhomes and places of work. The letter bluntly declared: "Racism remains a wound at the heart of our nation, a wound that cannot be wishedaway or treated carelessly." Sa-cred...