Manufacturing doubt about endocrine disrupter science – A rebuttal of industry-sponsored critical comments on the UNEP/WHO report "State of the Science of... We respond to the critique by Lamb etal. of the UNEP/WHO EDC report from 2013.They dismiss the report by using unduly restrictive ...
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David Toshio Tsumura, The First Book of Samuel (New International Commentary on the Old Testament; Eerdmans, 2007) TWOT R. Laird Harris, Gleason L. Archer, Jr., and Bruce K. Waltke, (editors), Theological Wordbook of the Old Testament (2 volumes, Moody Press, 1980)Life...
The Roman Catholic public intellectual and biographer of John Paul II, George Weigel has an essay in First Things on an article by the distinguished scientist, David Gelernter on Giving Up Darwin. Some years ago I wrote a review of Etienne Gilson’s book From Aristotle to Darwin and Back ...
Now David seeks to make Jerusalem both the political center and the worship center of the kingdom. He brings the ark into Jerusalem -- on his second try.
David Card, Dr. George Borjas, Due Process, Executive Order, immigration, Immigration Court, Immigration Crisis, Immigration Detention, immigrationcourtside, Jeff Sessions, Jobs, Labor, Mariel Boatlift, National Security, Nationalism, Paul Wickham Schmidt, politics, President Trump, Refugees, The Economy...
Sir David Lindsay by Joshua Reynolds – Image from Wikimedia Commons 18th-century ‘wanted’ advertisements offered one useful window onto facial appearance. Increasingly, newspapers were used to seek the capture or return of individuals, such as runaway servants, apprentices and criminals. Because th...
David Swerdlick David Woodard Davos Dawn Zimmer DC primary DC Sniper Deadline Hollywood deal Deana Bass Dean Smith Dear White People death death penalty debate debates Debbie Halvorson Debbie Spend It Now Debbie Stabenow Debbie Wasserman Schultz Deborah Odutuyo debt debt ceiling Deepwater Horizon ...
@David__Fortino @CubanLarry 2/13 The End of Grading –How the irrational mathematics of measuring, rankin 2/9 Four Norms for Creating a Human-Centered Classroom –Teachers can focus their energy on creating a classroom focused on the students themselves, rather than outcomes, by helping them ...
– Dr. David P. Craig About the Author: Dr. R.C. Sproul is the founder and chairman of Ligonier Ministries, an international Christian education ministry located near Orlando, Florida. His teaching can be heard on the program Renewing Your Mind, which is broadcast on hundreds of radio ...